Fury In The Slaughterhouse

Can't Remember Songtext / Lyric

Fury In The Slaughterhouse - Can't Remember Songtext

They say, these people came to take me home

But where is home and why did I have to leave at all?

Like in a snapshot I could realize

They look so pitiful but also terrorized.

I can 't remember them at all

Or if it 's summer, spring or fall

Telling me 'bout things I 've said and done

All this sounds good to me

But I can 't remember nothing at all.

The old lady with the starrey eyes

Seems to love me but I must apologize

Can 't remember her at all

Wish I had total recall

I can 't remember her at all

Feel like an angel after the fall

Memories get weaker day by day

All my life's fading to grey

Is there a price I have to pay?

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