L 7

Shitlist Songtext / Lyric

L 7 - Shitlist Songtext

When I get mad and I get pissed
I grab my pen and I write out a list
Of all the people that won't be missed
You've made my shitlist

For all the ones who put me out
For all the ones who fill my head with doubt
For all the SQUARES who get me pissed
You've made my shitlist


When I get mad and I get pissed
I grab my pen and I write out a list
Of all you assholes that won't be missed
You've made my shitlist




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Was denkst du über "Shitlist"?

Von Gast am 01.01.2000

Andrius / Justai, pirma iÅ¡mok gyntis normaliai, 2 rate, stabdymo zonoje per mano atakÄ…, labai anksti pradÄ—jai sukti į posukį uÅivaž¾uodamas ant manÄ™s, dÄ—l ko užsiblokavo ratai ir negalÄ—jau sustoti ir praradom 2 pozicijas. 6 ratas tapati vieta, vÄ—l mano ataka šį kartÄ… iÅ¡ore, tu padarai ryÅ¡ku judÄ—si į mane, nustumdamas ir neleisdamas man tavÄ™s aplenkti, kadangi buvau prie pat tavo galinio sparno nesitikÄ—jau kad bandysi grįžti į lenktyninÄ™ trajektorijÄ…, o gynsi vidu, bet tu man palendi prieÅ¡ pat nosį ir užstabdai.

Von Gast am 01.01.2000

/ Ah, então está explicado porque é que antes de Thomas Edison ter inventado a lâmpada incadescente ninguém havia tido ainda uma boa idéia!Ops! Mas, como é que tiveram a boa idéia de inventar a lâmpada inodsaencente?Mistérics da humanidade!Isso é o que se pode chamar de <>Paciência é a maior das ciênciasGostei deste comentário ou não: 1

Von Gast am 01.01.2000

You bet.Generally the top hand for a neutral grip has the thumb straight down the shaft. For the bottom hand, there’s some people that say it should be straight down & also touching your index fin&#rge8230;& some say it should be crossed over the shaft. I’ve done both, they both work fine.There’s any number of acceptable grip variations like that which work. For consistency sake, pick something & go with it. Making frequent changes (even subtle ones) makes it hard to develop consistency.