
I Only Dance With You Songtext / Lyric

O-Town - I Only Dance With You Songtext


I remember how it all began
You interdroduced her as a friend
But I knew I was in trouble
When I saw her smile at me
And then she asked me for a dance
But never offerd you a glance
Well let me tell you girl
With friends like that
Who needs enemies

Should have knownbetter than
Trust a friend
She´s jealous of the way we´re living
I don´t think you know what´s happening
Your girl is shading you
Should have known better than
Trust a friend
Behind your back she gives me rhythm
But I want to make her understand
I only dance with you

I saw your friend just flirting by
It´s getting so ridiculus
That she´s thinking she can mess with us
I don´t play around
Even when she´s saying that your well aware
And it´s cool with you to share
Now we standing to a date with her
Telling you right now


Don´t try to say I´ve lost the mind
I know you girl has crossed the line
She got issues
She´s trying to diss you

Cause she´s wishing wants your deserve
And I live that girl
I never thought I would

Chorus 2x

fade out...

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