
Dinosaurs Songtext / Lyric

P:ano - Dinosaurs Songtext

I see no stars at all

What a beautiful household

You have got; You have had

My attention from the get-go

It's hard to match,

Cells stick together

It's their only job

And they can't do it much longer

Leaves come down in fall

But for now we're stuck in their place

'Cause we have?'s face

One hot and lonely set of months

Before those walks

I take outside

Get too cold to drag for hours at a time

Some heartwarming words

In a bad motel

You laugh 'cause you're unsure

Of which way it felt

I say "Holy shit" and that's it

I read on to the part about the sunset

'Cause I know it is there that the soliders

Line up in tidy rows

As we drive past amusement parks

With one of those dinosaurs they build up on the side of the highway

And some heartwarming words

In a bad motel

You laugh 'cause you're unsure

Of which way it felt

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