P.J. Olsson

Ready For A Fall Songtext / Lyric

P.J. Olsson - Ready For A Fall Songtext

You sit there in my shadows

And you call it your relief

Don't be the one with bad eyes for

The things that I could see

(Don't give me that)

The darkness has noone

Who need protection from the end

High hopes through time passing

When I see I want you there


I can't believe

You're the one for me

If it was this easy to find you

I should be ready for a fall

I should be ready for a fall

Now my wonders rally

Around the person I once was

Like a bird that I keep on helping

Hope you're healed and strong

You never know when you might have to fly


Where will you go after me

Where will you go after I set you free

And I don't know you from a page in my book

Though I should

Though I should


Where will you go after me

Where will you go after I set you free

And I don't know you from a page in my book

Though I should

(Chorus Out)

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