
Flaming Drake Songtext / Lyric

Qntal - Flaming Drake Songtext

The moon's my constant mistress,

And the lonely owl my marrow.

The flaming drake

And the night crow make

Me music to my sorrow.

With an host of furious fancies,

Whereof I am commander.

With a burning spear

And a horse of air,

To the wilderness I wander.

I know more than Apollo,

For oft when he lies sleeping

I see the stars

At bloody wars

In the wounded welkin weeping.

By a knight of ghosts and shadows,

I summoned am to tourney

Ten leagues beyond

The wild world's end -

Methinks it is no journey.

The moon embrace her shepherd,

And the queen of love her warrior,

While the first doth horn

The star of morn,

And the nect the heavenly farrier.

I know more than Apollo,

For oft when he lies sleeping

I see the stars

At bloody wars

In the wounded welkin weeping.

By a knight of ghosts and shadows,

I summoned am to tourney

Ten leagues beyond

The wild world's end -

Methinks it is no journey.

I know more than Apollo,

For oft when he lies sleeping

I see the stars

At bloody wars

In the wounded welkin weeping.

By a knight of ghosts and shadows,

I summoned am to tourney

Ten leagues beyond

The wild world's end -

Methinks it is no journey.

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