
Obstruction Songtext / Lyric

U-Turn - Obstruction Songtext

mastery is known
the pretension you have
and the ways and means it gains

not to loosen the rein
hold them by strong skeins
even if it begins to cook in the veins

a shadow behind me
that has his hand over may head
even if it's a crown of pretences
its verdicst start to punish me

advisories from behind
roaring into your head
when the old counsels were told

in front of you
there is a door for escape
shining by the glance of gold

is the barrier
for leaving the nostalgia

living in rejection
while the outside woos
makes you feel your neuralgia

a shadow behind me
that has his hand over may head
even if it's a crown of pretences
its verdicst start to punish me

© Christian Bürger

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